REMINDER: We are now following our summer schedule, so we will not be gathering for our Sunday evening service until September.

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Sunday Preview 10.29.17

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church...

This Sunday, we will celebrate God's sovereign preservation of the gospel through the sacrificial stands of the Protestant Reformation. At the core of the Reformation are the five solas: Sola Scriptura ("Scripture alone"), Sola Fide ("faith alone"), Sola Gratia ("grace alone"), Solus Christus ("Christ alone"), and Soli Deo Gloria ("to the glory of God alone"). Our study will touch on all of these with the understanding that we must continue to hold these core tenets to remain faithful proclaimers of the gospel.

Sunday Songs

Each week we'll include a list of songs we plan to sing during our time of corporate worship. We hope this helps you prepare for our Sunday gatherings.

I Will Glory in My Redeemer

Come Praise and Glorify

Jesus Paid It All

All Glory Be to Christ